Library Reading Desk and Chair with Shields is designed by furniture brand EVERPRETTY to offer visual and acoustic privacy in an open-plan Library room. The product was developed by EVERPRETTY in an effort to help boost student wellbeing and by eliminating “constant peripheral interruptions”, while also limiting the spread of airborne viral particles that can lead to illness. This reading desk is made from HDF (High-Density Fiberboard) board, separation panels available with either a clear or frosted finish, or lined with light or dark grey felt for improved sound absorption. Users can follow our installation instructions to ensure the panel and desk can be easily attached. “Studies show that constant peripheral interruptions in the workplace can have a negative effect on employee well-being and productivity”. And so do students. Library Reading Desk with clear panels offers the perfect balance of visual and acoustical privacy as well as personal protection in collaborative open-Library desking applications.”
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Library Reading Room